--------------- List of Filters --------------- The following transforms are supported by the ``filter`` method: Name filters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are accessible with ``NameFilter::`` in ``.houdini.php`` - ``contains(string $str)`` - ``startsWith(string $str)`` - ``endsWith(string $str)`` - ``equals(string $str)`` Type filters ~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are accessible with ``TypeFilter::`` in ``.houdini.php``: - ``contains(string $str)`` - ``startsWith(string $str)`` - ``endsWith(string $str)`` - ``equals(string $str)`` Access filters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are accessible with ``AccessFilter::`` in ``.houdini.php``: - ``isPrivate()`` - ``isProtected()`` - ``isPublic()`` Any filter ~~~~~~~~~~ This is accessible with ``AnyFilter::`` in ``.houdini.php``: - ``create(Filter ...)`` Pass a list of any filter here. If any apply, the filter will pass. All filters ~~~~~~~~~~~ This is accessible with ``AllFilters::`` in ``.houdini.php``: - ``create(Filter ... $filters)`` Pass a list of filters here. If all apply, the filter will pass.