
If your class transforms the names of properties or methods with __get() or __call(), you can autocomplete those by passing in transforms to the transform() method.

Transforming auto-completed properties

Here’s an example that autocompletes camelCase properties from private snake_case private properties:

namespace Houdini\Config\V1;

use YourNamespace\YourDynamicClass;

// Make the publicly visible name camelCase instead of snake_case:
    ->filter( AccessFilter::isPrivate() )
    ->transform( NameTransform::camelCase() );

Similar to filters, you can pass multiple transforms to the transform method and they will be applied in-order.


Filters are checked before applying any transforms on them.

Transforming auto-completed methods

Almost the same configuration works for methods - just replace promoteProperties() with promoteMethods():

namespace Houdini\Config\V1;

use YourNamespace\YourDynamicClass;

// Make the publicly visible name camelCase instead of snake_case:
    ->filter( AccessFilter::isPrivate() )
    ->transform( NameTransform::camelCase() );

A list of available transforms is on the NameTransform class in the Houdini\Config\V1 namespace. You can see the full list by typing NameTransform:: and then invoking PhpStorm’s completion, or here on the list of transforms.

Go to the next step to learn how you can add properties and methods that do not exist on the class already.