Complex Array Patterns

In an ArrayPattern, each completion match will only be generated when you have both a name and a type. For many of the more complex scenarios below, first a name match occurs, and then the parse continues until a type match happens.

If this match happens multiple times while iterating the array the pattern is matching against, a completion result will be generated for each of the matches that have unique names.

Selecting a particular key with selectKey(string $key)

You may find you want to traverse only down a particular part of the array. You can use selectKey for this:


namespace ArrayPatternExamples;

class SelectKeyExample {
    const DEFINITIONS = [
        'properties' => [
                'name' => 'foo',
                'type' => 'string',
                'name' => 'bar',
                'type' => 'int',
        'methods' => [
             // ...
namespace Houdini\Config\V1;

use ArrayPatternExamples\SelectKeyExample;

            'name' => ArrayPattern::NAME,
            'type' => ArrayPattern::TYPE

Here we look at the DEFINITIONS constant on the class. Here it has some properties defined in the 'properties' key. Calling the selectKey('properties') will select the value of that key for further iteration. When we call the forEachValue() method, it will continue in the contents of the array value of the properties key to traverse each of the values in that array. Finally, we do the match() and extract the name and type fields.

So, this will generate two properties named foo and bar with types string and int respectively.

Handling mixed associative arrays

If an array contains a mixture of key-value pairs and unpaired elements, there are two optional filters you can pass to forEachValue() and forEachKeyAndValue to only grab the key-value pairs or the unpaired elements. Those filters ArrayPatternAnythingExample on the ForEachOptions class and are created with ForEachOptions::onlyStringKeys() and ForEachOptions::onlyIntegerKeys().

The string keys will correspond to the key-value pairs, while the integer keys will correspond to the unpaired elements.

Here’s an example showing how to extract both from an array:

namespace ArrayPatternExamples;

class MixedPairArrays {
        'propNameOne' => 'int',
        'propNameTwo' => 'string',
namespace Houdini\Config\V1;

use ArrayPatternExamples\MixedPairArrays;

// match the key-value pairs (with string keys):
        ->forEachKeyAndValue( ForEachOptions::onlyStringKeys() )
        ->match([ ArrayPattern::NAME => ArrayPattern::TYPE ])

// Match the non-paired keys (with integer keys):
        ->forEachValue( ForEachOptions::onlyIntegerKeys() )

This will match both types of pairs in the array: the unpaired and the paired.

In the first definition, we pass ForEachOptions::onlyStringKeys() to select only the key value pairs. Then, we extract the name and type from the pair.

In the second definition, we pass ForEachOptions::onlyIntegerKeys() to select only the unpaired values in the array. We use useCustomType("string") to set a default type because we need a name and a type for each completion match. Then, in the match, we pass the ArrayPattern::NAME directly. Here, we’re passing a string to match() since the ArrayPattern::NAME constant is a string.

Using ArrayPattern::NEXT

You may find you want to match the name or type in the key of the array, but then you want to continue iterating with forEachValue() or forEachKeyAndValue(). But, what do you put in the value in the pattern in that case?

In this case, you can use ArrayPattern::NEXT in the value to continue iterating from wherever that value is.

Here’s an example that has an associative list of properties that is keyed by the type of the properties:

namespace ArrayPatternExamples;

class NextExample {

    * This static array defines the valid properties.
         'string' => [
               'name' => 'propertyOne',
               'name' => 'propertyTwo',
         'int' => [
               'name' => 'propertyThree'
               'name' => 'propertyFour'

    * Where this class stores its data.
   protected $data = [];

   public function __get($name) {
      if (self::PROPERTY_DEFINITIONS[$name]) {
         return $this->data[$name];
namespace Houdini\Config\V1;

use ArrayPatternExamples\NextExample;

         ->match([ ArrayPattern::TYPE => ArrayPattern::NEXT ])
            'name' => ArrayPattern::NAME

Here we used the ArrayPattern::NEXT as a placeholder to match an array of any format in the first match() method.

At that point, we absorb the type of the property from the ArrayPattern::TYPE part in the key of the array. The ArrayPattern::NEXT lets the first match() call know which part of the array to continue any subsequent iterations from.

Then, when we call forEachValue(), we start iterating the indexed array for each of its values. Finally we do a match looking for a corresponding 'name' key and generate a completion for the value its paired with.

The result of this is four properties will be autocompleted.

Using ArrayPattern::ANYTHING

Sometimes you don’t care about the content of a key - where it isn’t the name or type - but you want to match or iterate on its value. This could be relevant when you want to select the value of a pair with ForEachOptions::onlyStringKeys() and when you don’t care about the key.

For this case, you can use ArrayPattern::ANYTHING in the key slot of an array so you match the value.

Here’s an example that maps an irrelevant key to the name with a custom type:

namespace ArrayPatternExamples;

class AnythingExample {

    * This static array defines the valid properties.
      'irrelevant_key' => 'propertyOne',
      'another_irrelevant_key' => 'propertyTwo'

    * Where this class stores its data.
   protected $data = [];

   public function __get($name) {
      if (in_array(self::PROPERTY_DEFINITIONS, $name)) {
         return $this->data[$name];
namespace Houdini\Config\V1;

use ArrayPatternExamples\AnythingExample;

         ->forEachKeyAndValue( ForEachOptions::onlyStringKeys() )
         ->match( [ ArrayPattern::ANYTHING => ArrayPattern::NAME ] )

In this example, we extract the pairs of keys with string keys with ForEachOnlys::onlyStringKeys(). Then, we thow away the keys, and match based on the value of those keys. For this example, two properties propertyOne and propertyTwo, both of type string, will be generated.

Adieu to Array Patterns

Hopefully that helps to illustrate Array Patterns and what you would use them for. It can be a powerful feature if you have to deal with code that makes heavy use of array definitions for magic methods or properties.

If you have any questions, feel free to email and let us know you questions or concerns.